Between Contracts

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Morning workout.

Gymnastics warmup

WOD '666'

6 x muscleups (red band - need to focus on the 'headbutt')
6 x pushups (20" box)
6 x strict pullups
6 x pistols
6 x wallballs (20lbs)
6 x squat jumps (20" box)

Felt tired and a bit rubbish. Then Brian pointed out 36 muscleups.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Morning session. Still very sore from 'Angie' on Friday - particularly chest, shoulders and forearms.

Warmup - 400m run, wheelbarrow lap, 10 chins, 10 pressups

3x6RM Sumo deadlift - 100Kg. Felt about right, tho a little rusty
3x6RM push press - finished on 60Kg, which is about right.

WOD AMRAP 10 minutes
12xL pullup.

Did 2 laps and 10L pullups. Used pink bands for the HSPU, which was about right. I had to do L pullups in singles.

Finished on 2minutes kettlebell swings, using 24Kg. Weight was about right.

Friday, July 22, 2011

All done with a bit of a late night/hangover:

3x15 front squats (I stuck to 40kg. Still working on technique)


100 x pullup
100 x pressup
100 x situp
100 x squat
for time.

Did 23:37. Mid-table, but I really want to be sub-20 minutes.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday lunchtime (overslept for morning session)

3x6RM front squat (used 40Kg here, but technique not good enough yet. Need to rotate shoulder forward and rest bar on delts and fingertips, rather than wrist/palms

3x6RM Weighted pullups - 7.5Kg seems about right for overhand grip

For time,
Run 1600m
30 Bodyweight squat (85Kg for me)
Run 1600m

Finished 18:00 dead. Leg's very tired - right on the edge, I'd say. No injuries, though.