Between Contracts

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Early morning WO.

Warm up: skipping, 30 air squats


3x15 Fast Reps at 60% of 1RM
Squats - 60Kg
Press - Started 35, dropped to 30 to keep form and speed.

Squats were tough after Monday's heavy squats, but did them okay - with 'pop' at the top of each one.

20min AMRAP
2x muscleup,4xHSPU (blue, pink),8xKBswing (32Kg), 30Ddu skipping.

Did 6 + 1 HSPU.

Both adductors sore. Left adductor/hamstring v. sore before, but seemed to go okay.

Monday, June 27, 2011

As usual, been doing regularly, but need to do this to record weights...

800m run, 5xTGU (started on 20Kg, but B 'suggested' I go up to 24Kg. Harder, but manageable), 10xsquat

3x6RM back squat (did 90Kg, and that was about right. 100Kg next time, perhaps?)
3x6RM press (70Kg with okay form)


800m run
30x squat snatch (I did 30Kg)
800m run

Must focus on keeping bar close to chest on the way up...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Haven't been recording these recently, but been doing 3 x weekly

warm up: animal crawls, rope, monkey bars, box jumps all x 4

Strength: deadlift and press 3x6RM

deadlift - 120Kg
press - 50Kg (last set finished with 2 push presses!)


5min amrap 4 x pullup, 5 x pressup
1min rest
5min amrap 6 x sit-up, 6 x squat
1min rest
5min amrap 4 x thruster (40Kg), 5 x burpees