Between Contracts

Monday, May 23, 2011

Warm up run, row, skip
2x(10xsquat, pressup, situp)

9-7-5 squat snatch (60Kg RX, I did 40Kg, muscleup)

Find 1RM thruster. I managed 75Kg before we had to stop.

Friday, May 20, 2011

10xsumo deadlift (90Kg - felt pretty good)
10xshoulder press (40Kg. Just managing to keep crunch form)

20minutes AMRAP (in pairs)
20Kg thrusters while partner runs 800m. Then swap.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Early morning workout...

Warmup 5 x single leg, single kb deadlift (each side)
5 x TGU 20Kg (each side)

8 x 2 Deadlift (130Kg)
8 x2 shoulder press (50Kg - could have been 45?, but I think 50)

15 x hip raise (like a back raise, but just to parallel)
15 x walking lunge

2mins rest
5 x snatch (40Kg - I did 30Kg)
15 x 24" box jump

2 mins rest
10 x ball slam (18Kg)
10 x wall ball (18Kg)

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Felt really good after workout, then had a massive sugar crash at 4:30. Very odd. Off to M&S, had a big chicken salad, then an apple, then chocolate-covered almonds. Feeling very lethargic now. Simply noting it for future reference, but I must be able to prevent this from happening...

Tough one today. Getting to the point where I can keep going through workouts rather than failing on individual exercises. So, it's actually a lot more intense. Plus B is back, and driving us on...

Warmup - 3 TGU each side - used 20Kg - beginning to get the hang of this one.
20 step squat walk with 20Kg on back
Shoulder mobility - stretch out shoulder on band, then rotate forward.

3 rounds 6RM
Deadlift (worked up to 110Kg - could maybe have squeezed a little more)
Military Press (40Kg - again, could have squeezed a few more kilos, but this was tough if I crunched down on the ribs and prevented arching.
Back Squat (80Kg - not used to doing these 'properly'. Could have done more, but first time I've done back squats 'xfit-style'. Need to keep the arch, and stick the backside back before bending the knees.

25 minute AMRAP
1 x L pullup
5 x 'surfing' burpees
10 x Hang cleans (40Kg)

First time I've really got through a routine with only my lack of willpower to slow me down. All exercises very doable. Did 15 + 1 L-pullup. All RX!