Between Contracts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2x laps of the gym squat-walk (with 20Kg plate on back)
10x turkish getup (5 each side)
5 x pullup

8x2 OH Squat (50Kg very hard on wrists, 40Kg okay - should have tried 45Kg)
8x2 Bench Press (worked up to 1x100Kg, but failed on 2x100Kg stuck on 2x95Kg)

7min AMRAP
3 thrusters (45Kg - Rx)
3 ctb pullups
6 thrusters
6 cbt pullups
9 thrusters
9cbt pullups

Managed 31 thrusters and 30 pullups. 40Kg may have been better, as I had to rest half way through the 12 thrusters...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tough one today ('tough', in that I was able to do it all)

Warmup: 400m run
5xskin the cats (reverse slow somersault using the rings)
15xicecream makers (chest to rings, then horizontal. Kick feet up while straightening arms. Rock back and forth)

150 x walking lunge (20Kg plate held above head)
15 muscleups
60 air squats

30 situps
30 mountain climbers
20 med ball slams
30 med ball twists
10 strict pullups
10 hollow rocks


Monday, April 18, 2011

Morning workout - with jetlag.

8x2 Sumo deadlift (120KG - can probably push it up a few KG next time, but grip was going)
8x2 dumbell shoulder presses (26Kg each right on the limit for good form - could even drop it down a bit)

WOD 12minutes amrap:
8x chest-to-bar pullup (turns out I wasn't really doing it - chest is supposed to be over the bar. Used a blue band, and still struggled)
8 x 32Kg KB swings.

Did 8 rounds + 1 pullup.