Between Contracts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Start something - anything

I have so many things I want to do. So many things I should do. If you look back over any of this stuff I've ever written** when I've been at home, it's generally peppered with bulleted to-do lists. Top of the list is writing something and having a swing at getting it published - even if I do it for free. Enough people have told me I can write and that I'm good at it for me to consider it as something I might do more seriously (which is ironic considering my usual literary tone). Of course, me being me, I don't seem to want to actually apply myself to doing anything about it. What I want to happen is for the editor of Conde Nast Traveller to drop me an email saying, 'Hey, I loved what you wrote about Uganda...' Who'da thought it, though? There seems to be quite a lot of written stuff out on t'interweb. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts for subject matter, let me know, as I do like a challenge.

Getting a job, too. Hmmm. No immediate hurry, and the current economic situation doesn't lend itself to a bouyant employment market, but it's something I should, perhaps, think about. A great time to be working on a start-up project, really, but it's coming up with the idea.

Oh, and the couple of projects I'm working on. I need to get at least one of them finished. It's eighty percent there. I just need to tie up the final loose ends.

And where's the comedy? I'm just not being funny here, am I? Well, I can think of a couple of funny things that have happened, but they involve people that might well be reading this, so what do I do? Is it possible to have an open relationship with one's public journal? (and shit, is it me, or does that sound like a voiceover from 'Sex and the City'?)

**There's quite a lot of it out there, actually, and I'm considering merging it with what's here. The debate I have is it details all manner of things that I'm not entirely sure I want my friends to see - nothing outrageous, you understand, just some minor musings. Wot d'ya fink?


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