Between Contracts

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nick comes to the diary room...

Oh my lord. I really had no idea, but it appears that this truck is more like Big Brother than Channel 4 could ever hope for...

So, the story so far... Hugh and Jess (thirty-seven and twenty, respectively, if not respectably) have been copping off, and last night disappeared mid-evening. As I headed to bed, I caught Jess's distinctive chuckle from one of the tents. Meanwhile, Rob – our guide – disappeared with Rachael to 'share a bottle of wine'. Owen and Alex were spotted 'making out' in the internet room (although we'll let them off since they're, y'know, in a relationship, 'n' all). Meanwhile, Boyo's wandering around with his testicles hanging neatly from his open fly. Rob warned me this might happen, but I thought it might take a few more days.

To cap it all, Dan and Leigh are having a not-domestic. Dan and Leigh are both teachers in Cairo, and are just friends. Dan is rather, shall we say, 'straight'. He is incredibly unimpressed with Boyo's antics, and it's a source of tension between him and Leigh, who finds it all hilarious, in a mock-offended manner. I can see the problem exactly, although there's little I can do about it. Dan simply doesn't share that sense of humour. He finds it childish, rude and just plain immature. The issue is that, because he feels like that, he can't operate on that level. This means that he basically feels slightly excluded from the group, who are all laughing uproariously. Personally, I just don't find it that clever. Having played rugby most of my life, I've seen it all done before – and done in a much funnier, wittier way. This is simply old hat to me. The difference, though, is at least I can engage with it - I have a feeling that explaining, 'well, I know a guy who did that and it was much funnier' (actually, he did and it was. He engaged a female bouncer in conversation for ten minutes. She didn't notice).wouldn't be particularly entertaining. Didn't stop Dave, though.

There are the others, of course, and I don't know how they feel. I'm going to watch, carefully, over the next few days. This situation is going to develop. Compare and contrast with the Nomad trip, which is now looking very vanilla. It's all about the people, I guess. And the alcohol.

A free day to explore Kampala today. Not sure I want to really explore Kampala, but for want of anything else to do....


At 3:54 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, I finally laughed out loud - well done that man.


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