Between Contracts

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chilli Hot

Back at 'Red Chilli Hideaway', on a very dodgy internet connection. Their wireless router has blown up, and I've been trying to help them fix it. It's the power supply, though, so they're going to try and get another tomorrow. So, my little laptop is plugged into their network. So far, five people have asked me about it, where I got it, etc. I wonder if Asus knows there's an enormous market for this in the 'travelling' community? My favourite was a Ugandan girl who works here... 'Is that a Viao?'

'No, it's an Asus eee PC.'

'Is it as good as a Viao?'

'No, but it's very small and cheap – 500USD'

'Where did you get it?'

'Um, Amazon. They're readily available.'

'Can you get me one?'


Very odd.

So we're heading out into Kampala tonight for a beverage or three. We have a 'free' day tomorrow, and Kampala is Rob's favourite city, so we might go and explore. Or lie in our sleeping bags with hangovers. My wisdom tooth is still painful, although my old friend ibuprofen helps a lot. I've finished the stuff Derek gave me, and it's had no effect. I've just done a bit of self-diagnosis on't internet (which is always reliable, and perfectly safe), and it appears I have a combination of Chron's Disease and Sickle-cell Anemia. Well, not really. It did say, though, that the stuff I had from Derek is 'narrow spectrum', and may not be the right stuff. We called into a shopping centre earlier, though, and I've got a different antibiotic from a pharmacy. They were... suspiciously cheap: something like fifty pence for thirty of them. I've looked them up, though, and they appear to be just the ticket. However, from Wikipedia:

'Interaction with alcohol

Consuming ethanol (alcohol) while using metronidazole causes a disulfiram-like reaction with effects that can include nausea, vomiting, flushing of the skin, tachycardia (accelerated heart rate), shortness of breath, and even death.[5] '

So, I've decided to start those tomorrow morning!

I've winged a mail to Emirates Nairobi about changing the flight. If my tooth doesn't improve, I'm not going to bother, but I'm hopeful about these latest drugs – I'd like to chill out on Zanzibar for a few days. I'm still kinda waiting for the epiphany that one is supposed to have when traveling, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm sure, though, my personality is changing in all sorts of subtle ways (no borderline disorders yet, though).

Last night was interesting. As we cooked dinner, a local family turned up. Apparently, they often do, and Rob invited them to share our food. IT was very social – they brought fresh milk for our tea and coffee – and they stayed until late into the night. This is 'cultural interaction' as it should be – natural, unforced and interesting. I slept well last night, and I think the lumpy ground had a 'chirobpractic' effect on my spine.

So, a couple of days to chill. Maybe I'll think about what in the hell I'm going to do when I'm back in the UK...


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