Between Contracts

Friday, July 18, 2008

(More)Random thoughts (than usual)

I'm back, oh yes I am. It's like I've been away, training in the mountains with a cadre of ninja-monks. Actually, it's like that bit at the end of Superman II when Clarke walks back into the diner with his powers restored, teaches the bully a lesson and says to the incredulous waitress, 'I've been, ah...', and mimes a couple of shoulder presses,..

...Sorry, tad self-indulgent, that. What I'm saying, in a hopefully-amusing-but-probably-too-clever-by-half way, is I'm feeling pretty much restored to health. The thing that's interesting for me (if not for you. Sorry, stay with me. Don't make me beg.) is that I thought I was feeling better a week ago. I remember sitting by the fire with Rob saying, 'Hey, I'm feeling a lot better', and meaning it. Today, I'm properly feeling better, to the extent that I don't think about my wisdom tooth every five minutes (or, indeed, mention it. I'm done. Promise,). I think people are wondering what's happened, since their impressions were all based on 'Sick Nick'. I've headed to bed, now, leaving our two new couples to it, but I could quite happily stayed at the bar all night...

New couples. This one's interesting. Huw and Jess now seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time together. It's all quite odd. Maybe some sort of mid-life crisis for him. We're enjoying some minor piss-taking, of course. Huw managed to get two tickets for NZ-Wales today, so I asked him whether he'd be taking Jess (who wasn't there). The table enjoyed that. Rachael and Rob, on the other hand, well, I don't know where to start with that one.

My 'clicky thing'. I have a gadget that's used to treat mosquito bites. It administers a small electric shock, from a flint. It hurts a tad, but is supposed to take down itching and swelling quite effectively. Improbably, it actually seems to work. Word has now gotten round, and everyone's trying it. Dave tried it today. Aftewards, as we walked up the path to the school, he said, 'I had one of these, but it was about one-and-a-half-times more powerful. We didn't use it for bites so much as to attack each other. I've lost it now.' David, dear boy, are you actually telling me you had one of these rather esoteric devices, only it was much better than the one I have? You are, aren't you? Seriously. I am lost for words. God knows why, though: I should have seen that one coming a mile away.

Rob 'hates people'. Interesting career choice. He's a little ticked off that some people have been moaning about yesterday's charity effort. Partly, I agree with him, but I do think people have the right to moan. It's part of their nature. For me, I found the organisation very noble, and they're obviously doing good. They're just very inefficient. However, as a tourist swanning through on holiday, I've hardly earned the right to criticise.


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