To beard, or not to beard...

...that is the question.
I’m sporting a rather fetching set of facial hair at the moment, since noticing Tarvs’ unshaven look on New Year’s Eve and being quite taken with it (sans sausage, of course). The thing is, I’m really, really not sure about it. It’s just about past the ‘stubble’ stage now, and is becoming, dare I say it, luxurious. I’ve become known locally as ‘Trapper Jake – that crazy Englishman’, and tourists keep coming up to me and asking about the Lost Treasure of St. Jakob. So, me being me, I just had to ask everyone’s opinion...
Sylv thinks I should keep it, that a bit of facial hair is ‘sexy, in a masculine way’ (as opposed to ‘sexy, in a “chewing on a ferret” way’ presumably), and even VCW (Very Cute Waitress) agreed that a few days’ worth of growth could be ‘very sexy’. I should add that she said this while staring at me, pointedly. Eventually, I realised she was waiting for me to order. Dex, for his part, whilst not actually commenting on the sexiness, per-se, did seem to approve, although this was based on comfort, rather than aesthetics (ie if it bothers you, lose it, otherwise keep it.). So, it’s all looking positive. Contrast this with what Misa said when she kissed me goodbye on the cheek…
(Try and imagine this in a Japanese accent, if you can. It’s funnier.)
‘Argh, it hurting!’
So, the jury’s still out. I think it’s going to go, though. I keep catching sight of myself in the mirror and getting scared. I’m also worried it’s going to collect food in it. I have images of Mr. Twit, from the Roald Dahl book, ‘The Twits’, who used to run his tongue around his beard for a mid-afternoon snack. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work with wiping off snow, as I discovered yesterday when I mis-timed a jump and ended up sliding down the piste on my belly.
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