This is amazing. I’m sitting on the train to St. Anton. I have a six-person compartment almost to myself, a rather nice tray to pop the laptop on…and bugger me, a bloody electrical socket! This is amazing. The carriage is clean, and I’m sharing it with an Austrian woman, which is a bit of a pity, as it means I can’t throw my possessions around, and generally ‘make myself at home’ (not that she’s actually stopping me laying back on the seat in my boxer shorts holding a TV remote and a chicken sandwich.) Having spent the last twenty minutes chatting with her, we’ve just done the ‘I’m going to read a magazine’, ‘well I’m going to use my laptop’ thing. So, where are we at?
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to catch up on this, but the first thing I should point out is that the title of this journal has become, if you’ll pardon the enormous pun, hopelessly redundant. You see, at the eleventh hour, they’ve gone and extended my contract. I think it’s all to do with headcount, rather than a powerful and irrational belief in my professional abilities, but I’m not complaining. In fact, shortly after this, it became clear that while the Company wanted me to extend, it would help the consultancy I work for a lot of I took some time off. Hence, I’m still taking the three weeks in St. Anton, then a week for Dunc’s stag week, in March. I’m darned lucky, it has to be said, and anyone and everyone has the right to tell me to shut the f**k up if they ever hear me complain (and I can always find something to complain about. For instance, I’m annoyed I’m not going to go to a gym for a month, or play any rugby. Hello?)
Actually, while we’re on the subject of complaints, I should mention this week’s ‘why me?’ issue, which I’m sure you knew was coming. At some point over the last couple of weeks, having just about shaken off the cold I’ve had (Note to self: Taking a Lemsip Max-Strength™ before playing rugby in sub-zero temperatures is not an effective cure for a cold.), I’ve picked up a bit of an infection. Funnily enough, while the cold made me feel rough as hell, I never looked as bad as I do right now (and you have to wonder about a girl who goes on a date with you when you have a fever and still calls you afterwards). The problem is that this infection’s on my neck – a shaving rash, if you will. Unfortunately, because of my ‘hack ‘n’ slash’ approach to shaving, I didn’t really realise my neck was infected until it had taken hold, so I now have a rather fetching rash across my neck, and my glands are up. Of course, you can’t see this, as I haven’t shaved for a week, and am sporting a bit of extended stubble. In fact, while I look like a mongrel dog that’s just lost its job, wife and house and that’s been sleeping in a puddle for three days, my near-beard actually feels very stroke-able. Let’s hope the ninth of the population of St. Anton that’s female (and why do we keep going there?) agrees. So, I went to the chemist today, and got her to prescribe me some oral antibiotics. Handily enough, over in Switz, they’re qualified to prescribe, although she did tell me that normally I should see a doctor. She even gave me a glass of water to take the first one in the shop! It’s little touches like that that really up the quality of life in
So, it’s been dumping in the
Interlude: I’ve just spent ten minutes wrestling with my bag. The reason for this was the two Swiss GI Joes that just sat down in our compartment. One of the more amusing aspects of life in
Back to it, then. What are my plans for the next few weeks. Well, I’m meeting Slyv at
Bugger, why on earth is
I think my train’s arriving in about twenty minutes, so I’m going to draw this one to a close, with my dreams of posting from a moving train in tatters. Oh well. I just have to hope there’s some sort of network in my apartment, otherwise nobody will be reading this for a few weeks (if at all).
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